During this course, we will explore the history of Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas from Human Origins to 1550. Although the course is organized chronologically, we are not going to cover every, or even most, aspects of World History during this time period. Rather, we are going to focus on certain themes to consider the development of various civilizations. At the same time, we will be working on developing our competencies as historians, by reading, writing, and discussing primary sources through a number of different historical lenses.

How this course works

HIST 190 is an in-person class with two parts. Lecture classes are taught by Dr. Wessell Lightfoot on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:30 a.m. to 11:20 a.m. in 7-150.

When you signed up for HIST 190, you also signed up for a particular tutorial. These will be taught by our teaching assistants (TAs) who are History graduate students. Please make sure to check for which tutorial you are signed up.

Tutorials begin the week of September 9th. 

For more information on tutorials, see: Tutorials

Course Textbooks

Information on course textbooks is available here: Textbooks

Course Policies

For information on how to contact your instructors, late assignments and extensions, plagiarism, use of A.I., submission of assignments, and accommodations and accessibility, see: Course Policies

Header image:  Copy of the Tabula Rogeriana by Muhammad al-Idrisi (1154). Collage and transliteration by Konrad Miller, 1929. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:TabulaRogeriana.jpg