World Travellers: Ibn Battuta and Marco Polo


#15-World Travellers


  • October 30th at 10:30 am
  • No reading.

Love, Sex, and Marriage in medieval Europe and Japan


#16-Love Sex and Marriage in Medieval Europe


  • November 1st at 10:30 am
  • No reading.

Tutorials this week

Tutorials this week will focus on the topics of “The Foundations of Salvation Religions: Judaism”, “The Origins and Appeal of Christianity”, and “Muhammad and His Message”. 

Readings (all available in Worlds of History):

  • “Judaism and the Bible: History, Laws, and Psalms” (Chapter 6, Reading 5)
  • Paul, “Letters” (Chapter 6, Reading 8)
  • “Selections from the Quran” (Chapter 7, Reading 5)

Questions to think about:

  • The Book of Genesis contains two different stories that describe the creation of man and woman. How are these stories different? How is the first story more “equal” and the second more “patriarchal”? Why do you think there are two?
  • How are the beliefs conveyed in the selections of the Quran similar or different to the beliefs of Judaism and Christianity? What can they tell us about how Islamic society was organized?
  • Paul played a key role in the spread of Christianity from a small Jewish sect in Judea to the dominant religion in the Roman empire. How does this document highlight the spread of universal religions like Christianity? What can it tell us about why people found universal religions appealing?